Sample climate anti-science activities, 1989-2010. John R. Mashey, 02/08/10

A long history of climate anti-science, with frequent peaks whenever it seems that someone might actually take effective action. The early years showed efforts by relatively few people. A major expansion occurred starting in 1998, as the Kyoto Protocol occurred. A real crescendo of activity is visible in the last few years. This is given for context, because otherwise, it is all too easy to misunderstand any single incident. IF X attacks Y as having done bad science, that might be a legitimate comment, but if one knows that X has been attacking everybody for 20 years, it casts a different light on the subject. People unfamiliar with the players may be inclined to give X more benefit of the doubt than someone long familiar with them.

John R. Mashey, Plagiarism? Conspiracies? Felonies? Behind the Wegman Report and Decades of Related Anti-Science Attacks [pdf], 8 February 2010