Protesters are angry that no one has ever been held to account for the disaster, which led to the deaths of at least 15,000 people. The effects of the accident are still being felt, with an unusually high rate of illness in the city and with children born many years after the event suffering birth defects and growth deficiencies. In total, up to 20,000 people have died in the years after the leak, as a direct result of the chemicals they were exposed to. Another 600,000 people have suffered illnesses. BBC

By Altaf Qadri Bhopal, India — Associated Press Published on Thursday, Dec. 03, 2009 2:22AM EST Hundreds of people marched through Bhopal with torches before dawn Thursday to mark the 25th anniversary of the world’s worst industrial disaster and demand the cleanup of toxic chemicals they say still contaminate the Indian city’s soil and water. Activists march on the 25th anniversary of the world's worst industrial accident near the old Union Carbide factory in Bhopal. Indranil Mukherjee / AFP / Getty ImagesEarly on Dec. 3, 1984, a pesticide plant run by Union Carbide spewed about 40 tons of deadly methyl isocyanate gas into the city’s air, quickly killing about 4,000 people. The lingering effects of the poison raised the death toll to about 15,000 over the next few years, according to government estimates. Local activists insist the real numbers are almost twice that, and say the company and government have failed to clean up toxic chemicals at the plant, which closed after the accident. “Down with the government,” and “Down with Union Carbide,” the protesters chanted Thursday as they marched to the plant in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh state. “Punish the guilty and remove the toxic waste from the plant that still contaminates the soil and groundwater,” said Rashid Bi, a victim who joined the march. … The government says at least 500,000 people were affected by the gas, also known as MIC. Activists say thousands of children born to parents directly exposed to the gas or poisoned by contaminated water are suffering from brain damage, cleft lips, missing palates and twisted limbs. Skin, vision and breathing disorders also are common, they say. …

Bhopal marks 25th anniversary of world’s worst industrial disaster

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