Wyangala Dam: Then and Now
Australia, already the driest inhabited continent on Earth, is drying up for good. The state of New South Wales is particularly hard-hit, with catastrophic mega-fires destroying the eucalyptus forests, major rivers reduced to muddy streambeds, and dams drained to nothing but algae-filled ponds. Wyangala Dam is an example of how it will end. Now down to less than 5% of its capacity, drastic water-usage limitations have been imposed by the state; without these measures, the dam will be empty by February 2010. Whole towns are being cut off and agriculture abandoned to provide water for upstream towns to water their lawns. [21 December 2010 update: Since this was posted, Australia’s “Big Dry” has been replaced by the “Big Wet,” with flooding and mayhem in the previously drought-plagued state of New South Wales. Des has added two new photos from 2010 to show the change in the Wyangala Dam’s water level. The November photo clearly shows the “bathtub ring,” similar to that of Lake Mead. Some readers have pointed out that Australia has always experienced the drought-flood cycle, but what’s different now is the rate at which records are being broken, e.g., record heat waves are occurring more frequently. The cycle of record-breaking droughts punctuated with record-breaking floods is in accordance with the expectations of climate science. Desdemona fully expects that when the 2010 La Niña passes, the drought trend will re-emerge.] Wyangala Dam in better days Wyangala Dam in 2005
Wyangala Dam in 2006
Wyangala Dam in 2009
Wyangala Dam, early 2010
Wyangala Dam, November 2010
wonder what the greenies are saying in december 2010? Maybe they need another tree to bark up!
Desdemona recognizes that there's no quicker way to make a fool of oneself than to make predictions but fully expects that the terrible Australia drought trend will re-assert itself after the large La Niña event of 2010 has passed.
Swings and roundabouts droughts are followed by floods and vice versa thats the way the world works. what about posting a photo of it now
Hi I was wondering if I could use your photo in an assignment I am doing on the first second and third impacts of impounding a river (i.e. Wyangala Dam on the Lachlan River).
Specifically the photo from 2005. I need to credit you and the website.
Thank you. g.mcelroy
You can hover your cursor over any of these images to get the photo credit. The 2005 photo was shot by Nick Moir (http://www.nickmoirphoto.com/).
Also, here's an aerial view of Wyangala Dam in August 2015: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-08-05/wyangala-dam-4/6673052