Severe drought | A dry dam on the Maasai Steppes in northern Tanzania. PHOTO / HELEN KUDRICHArusha — The drought spell that has hit most parts of Arusha and Manyara regions for about two consecutive years is tearing apart the Maasai social fabric and driving youths in large numbers to seek employment or beg for food in urban areas. Maasai youths from Simanjiro, Ngorongoro and Monduli Districts are flocking into town and the only job that they can sometimes find is guarding houses and business premises but often without any pay. Some of the ‘Morans’ will work just for food and shelter. Cattle grazing, their main occupation back home, has suffered from the drought and as a result a major part of their livestock succumbed to the harsh desert-like conditions. This year’s drought, according to observers, could be the worst in history. Lesupuko Partoti who hails from Longido left home when most of his family animals died. The remaining few were driven away by his brothers in search of pastures elsewhere. …  According to the Commissioner, some 65,000 animals out of 380,000 cattle in the District died in the last few months while prices for livestock dropped from an average of 200,000/- per cow to less than 30,000/-. In Simanjiro District recently, a nineteen year old resident of Lobosoit Village, identified as Lemari Saimorei hanged himself to death after his cattle herd of 50 reportedly starved to death. …

Tanzania: Drought Devastates Maasai Communities