A 'catastrophic' bushfire risk warns of conditions similar to those in Victoria on Black Saturday (AAP)

November 19, 2009 – 11:00AM (AAP) — South Australia faces a second day of catastrophic bushfire danger today. Temperatures are expected to soar into the 40s across the state, with Adelaide also forecast to have a top of 43 degrees. With low humidity, strong winds and the possibility of dry thunderstorms, the conditions prompted authorities to declare catastrophic conditions – the highest fire danger rating – for the west coast and eastern Eyre Peninsula. In such conditions, the Country Fire Service (CFS) said, any fire was highly likely to be fast moving and uncontrollable, with residents’ safest option being to leave their properties early. The declaration follows catastrophic conditions in the north-west and Flinders Ranges yesterday, with 11 schools closed in an exercise that education officials hailed a success. … “Tomorrow is going to be a very difficult day in the west and northern parts of the state,” CFS chief officer Euan Ferguson told reporters. “These catastrophic conditions are horrible conditions. The wind is extremely strong and we would only need the smallest spark to develop into a conflagration very quickly. We remain gravely concerned in those areas where we have severe, extreme and catastrophic fire danger forecast. The forecast of lightning adds to that concern.” …

SA braces for another catastrophic bushfire day