Electricity suppliers say they cannot guarantee the state will have enough power if last summer's extreme conditions are repeated. Photo: Rebecca Hallas

November 9, 2009 POWER blackouts could hit Melbourne again this summer if there is a repeat of January and February’s extreme weather conditions, electricity suppliers have warned. A spokesman for Australia’s national power industry body, Australian Energy Market Operator, said Victoria had enough power to cope with average summer temperatures, but would struggle if the extreme conditions experienced last summer were repeated. The city was thrown into chaos in January when more than 100,000 homes and businesses lost power as soaring temperatures threw the electricity grid into meltdown. Paul Bird, spokesman for the energy market operator, said Melbourne had enough power to meet demand and have some in reserve if the extreme temperatures were not repeated. ”Based on the projections for this summer … there is sufficient supply to meet that demand level, but it is dependent on how many extreme days we get,” he said. Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Scott Williams said there was a slightly-above-average chance Melbourne would have a hotter summer than normal this year. ”The probability of being above the average is a little bit elevated for this summer … about 55 per cent probability of being above average, according to the latest climatological estimate,” he said. …

Power threat if state sizzles again this summer

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