800 year floods: Cars submerged in Cork after the River Lee burst its banks and flooded the city center By PATRICK REYNOLDS, www.IrishCentral.com Staff Writer
Published Friday, November 27, 2009, 9:23 PM
Updated Friday, November 27, 2009, 10:44 PM Ireland’s massive flooding has almost certainly been the result of climate change, says Nobel Prize-winner and Ireland’s leading climatologist, Prof. John Sweeney. “We have reaped what we have sown,” he said. Devastating floods  have swept large parts of the country. Areas of the  south and west of Ireland have been under water in the worst flooding in 800 years, according to experts. Major rivers such as the Shannon and the River Lee have burst their banks and thousands have been evacuated. Sweeney, of Maynooth College, was one of the climatologists who formed part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and won the Nobel Prize in partnership with Al Gore in 2007 because of their warnings about climate change He pointed out that, per capita, Ireland is one of the largest  contributors to climate change, as  the country has far greater greenhouse emissions than Germany, France and Britain. Sweeney was  was also the main author of a report published by the Environmental Protection Agency about the effect on climate change in Ireland. Among his predictions was that winter rainfall amounts would rise steeply in Ireland, which seems to be happening. “Floods have always been with us and we can’t point the finger at any human agency, but the effects of climate change will mean that events like this will become more frequent,” he said referring to the flooding. …

Nobel expert: Global warming causing Irish floods, climate change via The Oil Drum