Manoocher Deghati / IRIN By John Gachiri, 14 October 2009

More Kenyans are in need of emergency food today than they were 20 years ago and the situation may get worse, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) says in a new report. The report, Global Hunger Index (GHI), that measures levels of malnutrition and hunger was released on Wednesday. It shows that Kenya’s hunger rating has moved from “serious” to “alarming”. Mr Suresh Babu from the Food, Security, Poverty and Nutrition Policy Analysis says that should the trend continue it could push the country to the “extremely alarming” bracket. “Kenya is a hunger hot spot and the index shows that it has been failing in food security for the last 20 years compared with other countries,” the analyst said during the release of the report in Nairobi. …  “When we talk of Kenyans facing hunger we should talk of 10 million plus people” …

Kenya: Food Security at Lowest Ebb in 20 Years