By Wendell Roelf CAPE TOWN (Reuters) – African farmers said on Monday floods and droughts expected to worsen with climate change have already brought poor harvests, and women workers are turning to prostitution and falling victim to HIV/AIDS. Testifying at the first pan-African climate hearings, the farmers’ stories will be relayed at December’s climate talks in Copenhagen, where Western countries and poorer nations are expected to adopt new carbon emission targets to curb global warming. Caroline Malema, a smallholder farmer and mother of six from Malawi, said increased cycles of floods and drought meant she was struggling to feed her family and pay for her children to attend school. Malema said hunger and poverty caused by global warming were leading many women in her village to resort to prostitution out of desperation. “Women are suffering because they don’t harvest more, so women are going about selling their bodies … These women at the end of the day are infected with HIV and AIDS,” she said of her village in Karonga. Besides AIDS, which has already killed more than 800,000 people in Malawi since 1985 and left more than one million orphans, experts fear an increase in diseases such as malaria and cholera should temperatures rise. Pastoralist Omar Jibril, from Wajir district in northern Kenya, explained how prolonged droughts had decimated his herd of cattle and goats, while Ugandan farmer Constance Okollet Achom cried as she described the effects of heavy rains and excessive heat. …

African farmers suffer hardship as climate worsens