Dead and dying animals at the Dambas, Arbajahan, Kenya, which has dried up due to successive years of very little rain. Africa's climates have always been erratic but there is evidence that global warming is increasing droughts, floods and climate uncertainty and unpredictability. Picture credit: Brendan Cox / Oxfam Picture date: 15 January 06 

By Frank Nyakairu NAIROBI (Reuters) – Drought for a fifth year running is driving more than 23 million east Africans in seven countries toward severe hunger and destitution, international aid agency Oxfam said on Tuesday. Launching a 9.5 million pound appeal, it said the situation was being worsened by high food prices and conflict. The most badly hit nations are Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and Uganda. Malnutrition is now above emergency levels in some areas and hundreds of thousands of valuable cattle are dying. “This is the worst humanitarian crisis Oxfam has seen in east Africa for over ten years,” Paul Smith Lomas, Oxfam’s East Africa Director, said in a statement. He said failed and unpredictable rains were ever more common in the region, and that broader climate change meant wet seasons were becoming shorter. Droughts have increased from once a decade to every two or three years. “In Wajir, northern Kenya, almost 200 dead animals were recently found around one dried-up water source,” Lomas said. “People are surviving on two litres of water a day in some places — less water than a toilet flush. The conditions have never been so harsh or so inhospitable, and people desperately need our help to survive.” Some 3.8 million Kenyans, a tenth of the population, need emergency aid, Oxfam said, partly because food prices have risen to 180 percent above average. One in six children are acutely malnourished in Somalia, the charity said, while conflict meant people were less able to grow food and drought is ravaging areas where people have fled. Half the population — more than 3.8 million people — are affected. …

East Africa drought leaves millions hungry