Pandas at the research centre in Wolong, China. Pandas should be allowed to die out with dignity, says Chris Packham (Richard Pohle / The Times) By Philippe Naughton, From Times Online, September 22, 2009  The BBC wildlife expert Chris Packham has questioned the millions spent trying to save the giant panda from extinction and suggested that the bamboo-eating bear should be allowed to die out “with a degree of dignity”. The zoologist, who has replaced Bill Oddie as a presenter on BBC’s Springwatch, risked criticism from wildlife conservationists in an interview with the Radio Times in which he describes the giant panda as a “T-shirt animal” on which too much conservation money is wasted. “Here is a species that, of its own accord, has gone down an evolutionary cul-de-sac. It’s not a strong species,” he said. “Unfortunately, it’s big and cute and a symbol of the World Wide Fund for Nature and we pour millions of pounds into into panda conservation. “I reckon we should pull the plug. Let them go, with a degree of dignity.” … Dr Mark Wright, chief scientific adviser at WWF UK, dismissed Packham’s assertion that the giant panda was at an evolutionary dead-end because it relied on bamboo. “It’s like saying the blue whale is in an evolutional cul-de-sac because it lives in the ocean,” he said. He added: “Chris has taken an irresponsible position. Pandas face extinction because of poaching and human pressures on their habitat. They have adapted to the area in which they live and if left alone, they function perfectly well. “However, he is right in his assertion that we must secure habitat in order to protect endangered species. This is exactly what we work to achieve in the case of the giant panda. “Importantly, in protecting those mountain areas where pandas live, we are also retaining vital habitat and resources for thousands of other species (many also endangered) and helping the human communities that depend on this landscape.” … 

Let the panda die out ‘with dignity’, says BBC expert Chris Packham via Apocadocs