From Calculated Risk: [90-day-chart-big.jpg]

From Matt Padilla at the O.C. Register: Foreclosure wave gathers momentum

“To say there is a second wave implies the (current) wave has receded,” [Sam Khater, senior economist, First American CoreLogic] “I don’t see that the wave has receded.”

This graph is from Matt based on data from American CoreLogic.

Khater said … federal and state efforts have mostly delayed foreclosures, preventing few. … So to tune out the noise, just look at the 90-day rate. In Khater’s view it shows “one giant wave.”

UPDATE: Matt provided me with the definitions: 90 day delinquency rate: “everything 3 months late or more. Likely includes most all Foreclosures in Process. The categories are not separate.” Foreclosure Rate is actual foreclosures in process: “Everything with NOD and Trustee’s Sale filing.” REO Rate: “Everything foreclosed but still held by bank or servicer. This category is separate from other two.”

Foreclosures: One Giant Wave, Still Building

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