The Gulf of Mexico dead zone near the mouth of the Mississippi River (Photo courtesy NOAA) By Timothy Gardner

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico, an area choked by low oxygen levels that threatens marine life, is smaller than expected this year but more deadly, the government said on Monday. The zone, caused by a runoff of agricultural chemicals from farms along the Mississippi River, measured about 3,000 square miles or about 1.5 times the size of the state of Delaware, compared with estimates that it would measure up to nearly 8,500 square miles, scientists said. “Clearly the flow of excess nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural fields in the Mississippi drainage basin continues to wreak havoc with life in the Gulf,” said Jane Lubchenco, the administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told reporters in a teleconference. Unusually strong winds and currents stirred the waters and brought oxygen back in, making the zone smaller than anticipated. But Nancy Rabalais, a scientist from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, who helped measure the zone during a week-long expedition, said it was more severe because the low oxygen levels are closer to the surface than in recent years. … Now marine life that normally feed close to the sea bottom, including eels and certain kinds of shrimp and crabs, are being found closer to the surface. … The average size of the dead zone during the past five years has been about 6,000 square miles, or nearly the size of the state of Connecticut. …

U.S. “dead zone” smaller but more severe: NOAA