Via Ocean Acidification: The food chain in action

A Sea Change World Premiere Mar. 14 at DC Environmental Film Fest

It’s official: A Sea Change premiers Saturday, Mar. 14 at the DC Environmental Film Festival, at 3:30 pm. In a fabulous venue: the Baird Auditorium at the National Museum of Natural History, in downtown Washington at the intersection of 10th Street and Constitution Ave., NW. It’s a great time, because families can come. We get a huge screen. And admission is free! You’ll get to meet director Barbara Ettinger, co-producer/star Sven Huseby and special guests Dr. Richard Spinrad, Assistant Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)  Dr. Richard Feely of NOAA and the University of Washington, and David Rockefeller, Jr., Co-Founder of Sailors for the Sea. Moderating is Brad Warren of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, whose knowledge of the issues and ability to speak clearly to a variety of audiences continue to awe us. Just in case you’re a first-time visitor: A Sea Change is the first documentary about ocean acidification, the underbelly of climate change. We couldn’t be happier. OK, we could: if everyone in the US stopped driving an SUV right now. But we’re still pretty darn happy. Please come, tell your DC-based friends and family. For more information, visit the festival website. Would you like to see the trailer? Click here. Having trouble seeing it on our website? Visit the Niijii Films YouTube channel.
Look for us next at the 52nd San Francisco International Film Festival: we’ll post details as soon as we get em.
Press inquires re DC screening: Adam J. Segal of The 2050 Group, +1 202-422-4673 or adam at