White possum first mammal extinction due to global warming
By Peter Michael
SCIENTISTS say a white possum native to Queensland’s Daintree forest has become the first mammal to become extinct due to man-made global warming. The white lemuroid possum, a rare creature found only above 1000m in the mountain forests of far north Queensland, has not been seen for three years. Experts fear climate change is to blame for the disappearance of the highly vulnerable species thanks to a temperature rise of up to 0.8C. … Researchers will mount a last-ditch expedition early next year deep into the untouched "cloud forests" of the Carbine range near Mt Lewis, three hours north of Cairns, in search of the tiny tree-dweller, dubbed the "Dodo of the Daintree". Reef and Rainforest Research Centre chief executive Sheridan Morris said the "eyes of the world" would be on next year’s the expedition to find the little creature. "If it has died out it will be devastating," Ms Morris said. "It is a big one, and a big one to bang the drum over. It is equally as shocking as losing an iconic marine species like a whale or the dugong."
White possum said to be first victim of global warming December 02, 2008 11:00pm